Why I Chose Cybersecurity as my Word of the Year
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Ransomware has become big business because it targets small business.
What’s Your Plan B?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Possession of your IP may be 9/10th of the law.
Template Tuesday
By Jerry Gitchel | |
How to cut your work in half, double your publishing quality and create a masterpiece each and every time.
Business Dies at the SPEED of Mistrust*
By Jerry Gitchel | |
I wasn't born a cynic, it was a painful lesson
The Art of Online Video
By Jerry Gitchel | |
User engagement with video is 4 times as effective as
The Nutritional Value of Acronym Soup
By Jerry Gitchel | |
It's good for you, so shut up and eat what the vendors have put on the table.
Why AI?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
“You can use the Internet to learn just about anything. Choose wisely.”
Classics or Leftovers – The Art of Repurposing Content
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Re-publishing a classic post doesn't mean you're a bad cook. It means you're smart...
Why I Give “Like” a Big Thumbs Down
By Jerry Gitchel | |
It's easy to click like, but it's lame...
Looking Forward Or Looking Back?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
We all do, it's only a question of when. Sometime
Enrichment: Not Just for Uranium
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Enrichment has become an extraordinarily valuable, low cost concept organizations
A $10 Office Phone?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
The assignment was simple. Reduce the complexity and cost, and
Why I am Leaving Facebook
By Jerry Gitchel | |
It’s not because I’m shocked by Frances Haugen’s revelations during her interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes. It's an issue of Integrity...
Happy New Year!
By Jerry Gitchel | |
No I'm not crazy, it's a business development strategy I learned from one of my coaches, Mark LeBlanc of Small Business Success. By resetting your benchmarks every 30 days you get to celebrate the beginning of a rolling 12 month period of business activity.
How to Avoid a Live Event, “Technical Difficulty”
By Jerry Gitchel | |
The Topic was what I was most excited about. How to get the most out of LinkedIn. It was sponsored by a well-known marketing group, and, It was a virtual disaster!
Burning Bridges or Burning Boats?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
I was asked to leave today.  “I am happy to announce that this group will be merging with The “Women's Lunch Group.(Sorry Guys, Girls only!
5 Reasons Why “Like” is so Lame
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Sure, it's easy to click Like, but what does that say about how you really feel? If you really like something, maybe it time for a upgrade...
From Virtual to Hybrid to Asynchronous?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Just when you thought it was safe to meet again. Today I learned about a new meeting model on the horizon, asynchronous. I believe asynchronous is only a partial solution. Hybrid is here to stay.
HSP, Your Event Promotion Secret Weapon
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Looking to promote your upcoming event? The best way to encourage attendance is through the application of HSP*
What Hybrid is Really About
By Jerry Gitchel | |
It's not about technology or logistics. We have all the technology we need. You can launch an event in less that two minutes from anywhere to anyone on the planet. Here is what hybrid is really about...
The Great De-Membering
By Jerry Gitchel | |
This period of post-pandemic recovery is the greatest opportunity for association leaders to do their best work for those they serve best...
Finding Your Missing Members
By Jerry Gitchel | |
The global pandemic has decimated live meeting attendance. You may be ready to welcome everyone back. Unfortunately, they may not be ready to return...
The Power Of Deliberate Practice
By Jerry Gitchel | |
I started 2021 with a specific intention. I wanted to become the foremost expert in producing Hybrid Events for local professional organizations.
Appointments at a Distance
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Prior to the pandemic, many business professionals relied on networking events like the one depicted in the photo above to connect with prospects.
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