The Nutritional Value of Acronym Soup
The Nutritional Value of Acronym Soup
It's good for you, so shut up and eat what the vendors have put on the table.

It's good for you, so shut up and eat what the vendors have put on the table.

Acronym Soup started as a segment of my first podcast back in 2007, (Yes, the first wave. Before iPhones there really was an iPod) It even had its own intro produced by my voice talent, Ray Goshet.

When I became a student of Cybersecurity, I never imagined there would be so many acronyms. I Immediately created two table docs of acronyms and terms.

Here at Leverage unlimited, I think I’ll keep it simple by posting valuable definitions occasionally, as notes. Whenever you start a research project, search for resources containing definintiions or terminology so you leave no definition unknown. It gives a tremendous boost to your understanding of a net topic.

Contact me directly of you need an acronym intervention. I love the smell of acronyms in the morning! 727-692-6077.