Why I Give “Like” a Big Thumbs Down
Why I Give “Like” a Big Thumbs Down
It's easy to click like, but it's lame...

It's easy to click “Like” on social media, but it doesn’t connect the dots. It’s time to start a conversation and tell your network how you really feel…

It's easy to see an online post, smile as you read it, then click the Like button. In fact, it's too easy. The Like button was originally designed to create a digital connection, but now it’s so common, clicking Like is so insincere it has become insignificant. It's gone from social to anti-social.

Here are 5 tips you can use right now to create a real connection, build your community and shine a light on what you love, not merely like:

  • Go From Like to Comment - A sincere compliment includes why you like a quote, a statement, or an idea. Use the Comment button to express exactly what you like about the post. This action immediately connects you with the authors network while building a better relationship.
  • Create Value - The Internet works best not when ideas are shared, but when people add value.
  • Tell Your Truth - Global revolutions are often started with nothing more than a color in a flag. Imagine what good trouble you could start with your words.
  • Sharing is the Sincerest Form of Appreciation - After appearing as a guest on a podcast the host tweeted my statement, "Use your voice to create value instead of noise". It gets retweeted frequently. I'm always pleased and grateful. Reposting something you’ve heard or read creates value by connecting the author with your network.
  • Act With Virtual Respect - My prediction for the hottest technology trend for 2024 on social media will be listening instead of shouting. When you post a comment, Repost or share a post or retweet you demonstrate that you were listening, really listening.

"Use your voice to create value instead of noise"