NNGroup Publishes Social Media Usability Guidelines
NNGroup Publishes Social Media Usability Guidelines
If everyone used commonsense to build and publish websites, we wouldn't need Jakob Nielsen's insights. The true value of his reports comes from his delivery of why social media usability is important. I've paid hundreds for his reports, but not this time, this one is free. If you are serious about making technology work, I recommend you download "Streams, Walls, and Feeds".
Described by the Financial Times as “perhaps the best-known design and usability guru on the Internet” Jakob Nielsen, PhD is an expert in user interface design. I've followed him for more than a decade and own much of my web building expertise to the results of his research. He has just released a new report,  "Streams, Walls, and Feeds: 109 Design Guidelines for Improving Notifications, Messages, and Alerts Sent Through Social Networks and RSS". If everyone used commonsense to build and publish websites, we wouldn't need Nielsen's insights. This latest release provides the metrics behind Social Media Usability user testing. The true value of his reports comes from his delivery of why usability is important. I've paid hundreds for his reports, but not this time, this one is free. If you are serious about making technology work, I recommend you download this 210 page report now.