Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Fixing Facebook’s Split Personality
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Areyou using Facebook for both business and pleasure, but want to keep them separate? Here are some ideas to help your community show up for the right party...
What to Ditch for the Pitch, Start with PowerPoint
By Jerry Gitchel | |
The winner of yesterday's CyberTECH Spotlight Pitch Night. was EDGEHome. It was
Your Business is None of LinkedIn’s Business
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Who's in your contact database? LinkedIn's default privacy setting let's all your contacts know this important business asset. Here's a tip on making sure you're not giving away the store on LinkedIn.
15 Minutes of Infamy
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Everything you say, every personal opinion you share, can be seen and read by everybody on Facebook. You knew that right? Maybe you had temporary amnesia. You can use that defense in a court of law but it won't fly in the court of public opinion.
Arrogance and Ignorance do not a Re-branding Make
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Re-branding is all about attracting attention. Unless of course it's due to poor execution...
Sometimes Technology is not the Answer
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Sometimes, "Could we use technology to...?" is the wrong question. When it comes to leveraging the power of technology to create business success a better question starts with, Should we...
NNGroup Publishes Social Media Usability Guidelines
By Jerry Gitchel | |
If everyone used commonsense to build and publish websites, we wouldn't need Jakob Nielsen's insights. The true value of his reports comes from his delivery of why social media usability is important. I've paid hundreds for his reports, but not this time, this one is free. If you are serious about making technology work, I recommend you download "Streams, Walls, and Feeds".