Making Sense of Social Networking
Making Sense of Social Networking
Professional Social Networking: The Art of Savvy Sociability
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Professional Social Networking is not about social etiquette, it's about professional business practices. Here are Seven Steps for Savvy Social Networking...
LinkedIn’s Unprofessional Network
By Jerry Gitchel | |
It's creepy, that's all I'm saying. LinkedIn's People You May
5 Steps to a Killer LinkedIn Discussion Group
By Jerry Gitchel | |
"It just grew." Paul Masterson replied when I asked about the growth of his LinkedIn discussion group. Here are 5 steps you can use to grow your group...
LinkedIn Networking Resource
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Do you wish you knew how to grow your LinkedIn following? Stop wishing, start reading how Robyn Henderson grew her LInkedIn following to 6,000+
Social Networking Icons, Just Say NO
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Publishing Social Networking icons in the upper right corner of
Social Networking Groups, Choose Wisely
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Not all Social Networking Groups are created equal. Just as in person networking, how you act, depends on where you are. Here's how to identify the best groups before investing your valuable time and effort.
Do You SM?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Only 16% of CEOs participate in Social Media. Yes it's hard, but it's so valuable. Here's why...
Social Media Shortcuts
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Practical eCommerce Magazine just published a resource that business professionals will want to keep close at hand. It's less about tricks and more about creating a consistent conversation for your brand. I encourage you to read the article, 17 Social Media Cheat Sheets, to pick your favorites
Blog Categories, When Virtual Planets Align
By Jerry Gitchel | |
As a blogger, do you want to be an artist, or a successful artist? There are two kinds of bloggers, those that are spontaneous and those who plan ahead. Neither is good or bad, it's just a question of goals. If business success is your blogging goal, perhaps you should take a closer look at your blog categories. Your blog categories should reflect your business focus, not just this mornings random idea. Here are some tips, insight and resources to make sure your virtual planets are in alignment...
Lack of Time, Resources Hampers Social Adoption by Small Businesses
By Jerry Gitchel | |
In a recent post, SMBs Struggle to Adopt, Integrate Social
The Social Side of Creating an Effective Web Presence
By Jerry Gitchel | |
The topic of Social Networking is so wide and deep it would take a trilogy of books just to scratch the surface. Here are 5 areas of focus on just the essence of how you can use social networking to create an effective web presence.
Use Blogging to Build an Effective Web Presence
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Blogging is the most effective and efficient investment of your digital marketing efforts. Publish a blog post and Google knows about it in 30 minutes. Connect your email newsletter to a blog feed and you've instantly eliminated 75 % of your publishing overhead. Blogging is an essential element if you want to build an effective web presence.
Social Networking Groups, Marketing or Mutual Admiration Society?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Shortly after creating a social networking profile, professionals often move
Famous or Infamous – Just say no to Facebook Self Promotion
By Jerry Gitchel | |
I recently endured a public spat between a Facebook Group
Making Sense of Facebook’s New Timeline
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Facebook users awoke this month to a completely new page
Jerry Gitchel’s Miracle Social Networking Diet
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Thank goodness Thanksgiving is over. Now all we have to
Blogging Tips from Influence ’11
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Just left this mornings session for NSA Bloggers facilitated by
Mobile vs. Social: The Status of Marketing Integration
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Looking for quick way to leverage your online marketing efforts?
Making Sense of Facebook’s “Like”
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Before we go any further, I've just got to ask,
Owning Your Message – The Power of Focused Blogging
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Are you blogging more and enjoying it less? Use these tips to control your message and your brand.
Blog Commenting – Putting in Your Two Cents Worth
By Jerry Gitchel | |
An article mentioned in this weeks Bloomberg BusinessWeek Tech Insider
Social Networking, the New Engraved Invitation
By Jerry Gitchel | |
My Space, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. It wasn't but a
The Reports of Blogging’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated!
By Jerry Gitchel | |
I recently read a Wired Magazine article by Paul Boutin
Are You Memorable?
By Jerry Gitchel | |
It's been said that the late Hennie Youngman was the"King