Blog Categories, When Virtual Planets Align
Blog Categories, When Virtual Planets Align
As a blogger, do you want to be an artist, or a successful artist? There are two kinds of bloggers, those that are spontaneous and those who plan ahead. Neither is good or bad, it's just a question of goals. If business success is your blogging goal, perhaps you should take a closer look at your blog categories. Your blog categories should reflect your business focus, not just this mornings random idea. Here are some tips, insight and resources to make sure your virtual planets are in alignment...
When you sat down to compose your last blog post, which came first, the title or the category? There are two kinds of bloggers, those that are spontaneous and those who plan ahead. Neither is good or bad, it's just a question of goals. If business success is your blogging goal, perhaps you should take a closer look at your blog categories. Your blog categories should reflect your business focus, not just this mornings random idea. Are your virtual planets in alignment? Make a list of your product or service offerings (an alternative would be your areas of expertise). Compare the list to your published blog categories. If the areas of focus differ, you may be missing an opportunity to help readers make sense of your business proposition. Starting your post publishing process with a category helps suggest key words and phrases to include in the post. If the quanity of blog categories exceeds your focused list, it's time to tighten up. Consider creating new, descriptive category titles. Reassign your posts to sync your business blog with your business model.


  •  Your readers are looking for only two things from your blog, relevant information, fast. Don't overwhelm them with a vast list of cryptic categories or waste their time forcing them to search a disorganized blog.
  • Google and other search engines like organized blogs. Aligning your categories and posts to reflect your published web presence will help you gain Google street cred (page-rank).
  • Composing a post from a business focus helps you avoid Bright Shiny Object syndrome. Less distraction leads to key word rich, business focused blogging.

Blog Category Tips

Here are a few of the tips I share with my digital marketing strategy coaching clients. We use them to quickly bring there blog into sync with their marketing campaigns.
  1. Create a list containing your services or product lines, or your areas of expertise.
  2. Pick the first category that matches an item on the list. Edit the category title if necessary. Confirm that current posts are correctly assigned.
  3. Search your blog for posts that need to be reassigned to the re-titled category.
  4. Do the same for the the rest of the items on the list.
  5. Clean up the remaining categories. Reassign the posts then eliminate the non-aligned categories.
Do you have too many categories and precious little time to tackle this challenge? Give me a call to learn how we can work together to make quick work of cleaning up this virtual mess. Call me direct - 727-278-9382.


If you are a WordPress blogger, here's a handy plugin to get started on aligning your virtual planets.    

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