Use Blogging to Build an Effective Web Presence
Use Blogging to Build an Effective Web Presence
Blogging is the most effective and efficient investment of your digital marketing efforts. Publish a blog post and Google knows about it in 30 minutes. Connect your email newsletter to a blog feed and you've instantly eliminated 75 % of your publishing overhead. Blogging is an essential element if you want to build an effective web presence.
Blogging builds a bridge between PR and Sales. It delivers search traffic to your site, connects social networking posts to product detail pages and helps you connect Here with Now. Blogging is the most effective and efficient investment of your digital marketing efforts. Publish a blog post and Google knows about it in 30 minutes. Connect your email newsletter to a blog feed and you've instantly eliminated 75 % of your publishing overhead. Blogging is an essential element if you want to build an effective web presence.

The Goal of Your Business Blog

The goal is to create a publishing platform that allows you to connect with prospects and clients on a regular basis. It gives Google a reason to visit your site and encourage prospects to do the same. A blog allows you to embrace a rapidly changing business environment while delivering  insight and expertise to your world. Your blog should serve as a written invitation to your prospects to explore your world, your expertise, your solutions. If you're going to use your blog to build a bridge, you need to focus on the most important part. It's not the soaring arches in the middle, it's the solid connection at each end that makes it work. On the approach to your bridge, focus on connecting your social networking and SEO efforts to deliver traffic to your blog. At the other end make sure each blog posts connects your readers to your website instead of additional posts, or external sites. Give them a reason to stick around.

 Anatomy of a Blog Post

Novice bloggers often struggle with what to write, or how frequently to post. I recommend you start with a conversation:
  • "Did you hear in the news today..." Is a great way to focus on current events.
  • "My research indicates..." gives you an opportunity to take a position.
  • "If it were me, I would..." allows you to share your expertise.
  • "Here's where you can learn more..." creates a link to your valuable online content.

Tips for Building a Better Blog

  • Build it Near the Highway - I use the WordPress platform because it allows me to publish both web pages and blog posts, right next door.
  • Be Predictable - I committed to publishing one post a week, every Tuesday, at 10 am. My self-imposed deadline squeezed out the fluff.
  • Create Category Alignment - Categorize your posts based on your areas of expertise, or profit centers.
  • Be Serious About Series - Develop an editorial calendar or plan a series of posts that focus on one topic area. Give your readers a reason to stay tuned.
  • Have Fun - Limit the length of your posts so writing doesn't become a chore. If you enjoy it, so will your readers.
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