The Best Fit for Your Personal Brand
The Best Fit for Your Personal Brand
His email address is jakehimself. In a world of do_not_reply and Dear Valued Customer, Jake Bronstein  of on knows a thing or two about fit. In his own words, "I would know, I’m an underwear expert." Jake started his Make in the USA Mens Underwear company with a very definite idea of Brand Reputation. In an arena of pay for play professional online reviews and online surveys tailored to what the company wants to hear, Jake practices virtual active listening. His recent post explains how marketers need to pay attention to real customer feedback,
"...we’ve started looking at every comment posted online, every tweet, and every blog post written about up. The reason being, sometimes surveys are skewed by the people writing them (us) to only look at the things we want to look at in the way we want to look at them. Not so when people start giving their feedback unsolicited."
In the manner of my recent post, Testimonials, Virtual Diamonds in the Rough Jake understands that it's his customers who are in charge, not the company. I recommend checking out his company, his brand, his style.


Prospects can smell fake online. Don't even think about trying to sneak one by either Google or real life prospects.


It’s Product Development Time By Jake WHERE DOES THE NAME COME FROM? Wait until you hear how Jake came to name his comp Flint and