The Single Secret for Making Your Technology Work
The Single Secret for Making Your Technology Work
It all comes down to a singular focus, a simple idea that started 44 years ago...
Yesterday I was caught off guard by well-wishers reminding me I've been making technology work for 23 years. Last night I took a trip down memory lane. What I re-discovered was the reason Make Technology Work has been a success all these years. Speaking of years, it's been more than 23. It's more like 44. It started back in High School with my Industrial Electronics class. We had a Closed Circuit Television system. The class soldered connections, strung cable and worked on circuit boards. I, on the other hand, chose to be the Producer/Director. Without me there were no scripts, on-air reporters or a commercial for the school store.

The Secret

It was easy for the students to focus on hardware, Cameras, tape recorders and cables are sexy if you're a geek. If you really want to make technology work, you need to focus not on technology, but on connecting with people. The Internet makes it easy to focus on the being quick, superficial and adapting to a very short attention span. Thanks to my community of clients, I am reminded the long view is just as valuable, even more so.  This morning I remember how my body of work came to be and why I'm smiling as I ponder, "Who am I going to help today?"