23 Years Is A Long Time, Real Years, Not Internet Years
23 Years Is A Long Time, Real Years, Not Internet Years
24 Years, not Internet Years at that. Reflections on the launch of my digital domain, and what I learned along the way...
I was startled with a message from the past this morning. 23 years ago I left construction to launch a company dedicated to helping business professionals Make Their Technology Work. I wonder how long that is in Internet years? I received a message of best wishes via LinkedIn...
Congrats! Wow...I can only imagine how many people you have helped with their technology issues in the past 23 years! I know you helped me many times! Thanks! - Clare Rice Dreyer - SPHR, Certified NLP Coach
Computer training guru Elliott Masie sparked my passion for this field. When I finally met him in person, his first question was, "How did you hear about me?" Spoken like a true marketer. Ric French taught me everything I know about Adult Learning Theory. Especially why it's just a theory. Along with Jeff McBride and Judy Shulman, we were Microsoft Office pioneers and were there in Atlanta at COMDEX with Bill Gates to help celebrate the first birthday of Microsoft Windows. When you see Jeff, ask him about his Bill Gates interview. Until this morning I never really thought of it as a career. I just got up each morning excited about the possibility I would find a way to help someone eliminate their digital frustration and the sense of being overwhelmed by a virtual world. On this special day let me share the most important things I've learned about Technology in the last 23 years: Business success is not about more technology, it's about leveraging what you already have, and each of us has all the technology we need. The Internet is not about technology, it's about connecting with people. Thanks for the insight, Big Brother Lee. No matter how far apart we may be, there is no distance between two hearts. To each of you who made the journey an exciting opportunity each and everyday,
Thank You For The Opportunity To Be Of Service!

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