Virtual University – Leveraging Online Learning
Virtual University – Leveraging Online Learning
Years ago I impressed prospects with the marketing catchphrase "I've read the manual so you don't have to." The idea that they could ask me a quick question instead of going to school convinced many of my loyal customers to not only start a consulting engagement, but continue a successful business relationship, most for more than a decade. That was then, this is now. I received a call the other day requesting help with three tasks, making changes to an eCommerce installation, a question about how to sort an Excel workbook, and ideas about developing an online product strategy. I wish I could say we focused on the most important (product strategy), but instead we worked on the urgent (editing the product setting). The application training got outsourced to local support. I'm sorry, I just can no longer do it all. In fact, I shouldn't even try. Both my Board of Directors and my loyal clients want me to focus on what I do best, making technology work. Which for now means developing, deploying and tracking your digital marketing strategy. Not to worry, I'm going to share how I "Read the Manual". Hopefully these tips will help when you're leveraging your online learning.

Prior to Purchase

If you're fixing to buy a new smartphone, digital camera or other device, start by downloading the user manual. There are just too many makes and models for retail sales people to determine if the product will fit your specific needs. Go online and search for "user manual" plus the make and model. Once you have the PDF, review the Table of Contents and the Index to see if it's just what you're looking for. This worked great for a client's recent purchase of a Galaxy Stratosphere from Verizon. Way to go Mark of!

Before You Open an Account

Many software services provide a free account during a  limited time offer. Great idea, but don't sign up until you're ready to put it to a real (limited) test. Make use of all new member resources including white papers and resource guides. MailChimp is the king of this jungle.

Building an Internet Game Plan

The evolution of digital marketing has created a virtual monster of programs, apps, and services that all need to work together to create a successful web presence. Unfortunately, vendors often crow loudly about the virtues of their individual trees without regard to how it will grow in your online forest. Dig into their offering to find the most important element, do they play well with others? Make sure they provide "hooks" that allow you to share data between the applications you rely on each day.

Build a Library

I own a network of PCs, an iPad and an Android smartphone. All are connected via DropBox. I've built a virtual library of resource guides I can access from any device when I need to "Read the Manual" or attend a self-paced study session of my very own. I gave up understanding computer hardware the day I lit one on fire. Now I'm giving up application training and support. But if you're serious about creating a Digital Marketing Game Plan, I'm all ears. Give me a call 727-278-9382, let's get together to see how I can help you become the Master of Your Digital Domain.      

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