Launching My Rock Star Podcast
Launching My Rock Star Podcast
bannermww260I'm not a rock star. I'm really pretty conservative. But during the launch of my Podcast project I learned just how far out on the fringe I really am. It may seem like a minor detail to many folks, but creating a killer album cover seemed to me to be an essential element of creating a successful Podcast. During my photo shoot with Sheri Kendrick at Jannus Landing a younger patron with multiple piercing remarked "far-out" when I told him we were creating an album cover. I didn't understand the full impact of this new endeavor until I received word that the Making Websites Work is now available from Apples iTunes store. It's a short, to the point, weekly Podcast for business owners who are serious about making their website work. You're invited to check it out. Use the comments link below to let me know what you think or suggest topics.