Cure for a Case of Conference Afterglow!
Cure for a Case of Conference Afterglow!
When you returned from your last business conference, did you bring back a valuable personal development investment or just an expense report? Here's a cure for Conference Afterglow.
I just returned from the NSA How & Now conference held in San Francisco. I met a Profiler, an expert on Chinese Law and a War Correspondent who had just been honored by the Medal of Honor Association. My birthday was celebrated in song by a operatic angel who works with individuals on accent modification (in twelve languages, no less). I learned the world of professional speaking is rapidly changing, that content and expertise trumps motivation every time and that novice speakers are rarely new, just new to you. Recovering sufferers are nodding their head right now, easily identifying the symptoms. Yes, I am suffering from a case of Conference Afterglow. It's not a bad thing, you are supposed to feel uplifted, to be filled with hope and return with a briefcase full of new ideas. That's why we invest time, energy and money in professional development. The question conference attendees need to ask as they come down off a conference contact high is this. Will your attendance prove to be an investment or simply an expense?

Next Steps

Follow up is the key to ensuring the event gets counted as an investment. I started my follow up months ago.Yes, months ago. With two tracks available, I chose to hang out with prospects instead of peers (competitors). I've always found it odd that professionals often seek mutual admiration over lead generation when attending conferences. The same is true of online social networking. If you are looking to leverage your professional development investment, consider packing these tips along with those funny association buttons you always bring.

Tips to Cure Conference Afterglow

  • Start Early - Set a goal for your attendance, then choose your track and individual sessions. I prefer meeting with and creating value for my target marketing niche.
  • Be Present - Eliminate external distractions, stop texting and tweeting "Hey look where I am today!" Texting a birthday greeting is fine, but "Happy Birthday", delivered by an opera singer rocks!
  • Capture Now - In 24 hours I met and connected with more than a dozen valuable leads/resources. Not just for me, but for my tribe. I met a caregiver advocate in one room and ran into a colleague who looks beat because he is caring for his mother. Capture their contact info and  get it into your system NOW!
  • Hot Iron Follow Up - Have a plan for growing the relationship immediately. It could be a blog post, a follow up email, a link to valuable content, or follow up to a commitment made (Like your homework James!).


You can sleep when you get home. Be ready, be present, get connected. Follow up, create value, be of service, stay connected.


This spot is normally reserved for white papers, tip sheets or checklists. Today let's put the Human in Resources.
  • Martin Seca - I learned that personal passion and corporate energy are simply brothers of different mothers.
  • Kara Lund - I learned that pronouncing a persons name correctly is the highest form of respect. For the record it's Kara as in car, not care.
  • James, CFA, FFP, ChFC, CPA - I was reminded that investing in a web presence is not a slam dunk. Being on the web is still about tasks, not tools. James is a smart guy, check out those initials after his name. (Thanks for the introduction Greg Williams!)
  • Deepak Trivedi - Don't just travel abroad, travel broadly. Not only will you gain a broader vision, you will meet some really nice people along the way.
  • Beryl Gulya - Now exactly sure yet, but I'm either a Warrior, Scholar, Priest or a Scholar, Warrior, Priest. I'll get back to you.
  • Terri Langhans, CSP - Event Chair, COE - Visionary who dared ask, "What if the content came from the attendees as well as the platform?"
  • Chad Hymas, CSP, CPAE - Master Storyteller, Yoda, Motivator, "Jerry, you had me at the first sentence." My personal WOW for the weekend, thanks Chad!
Do I really have to point out that a business conference is NOT a spa treatment? Accelerate your post conference response to deliver results immediately!

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