Committed Cyclist Creates 100 MPH Touring Bike
Committed Cyclist Creates 100 MPH Touring Bike
Ludicrous? Maybe. Inconceivable? Not Even Close. For Steve Waterhouse, it's all about forward thinking, without looking back...
Steve Waterhouse of Predictive Results is a committed cyclist. He trains hard, competes in events near and far, and places well in his age group, (he is not the only one in his age group). Steve is so serious that he recently created not one but a pair of 100 MPH Tour bikes. Piggy Back ShuttleAlthough not a rocket scientist, Steve used his engineering background to build upon NASA's Shuttle/747 transport system to serve as a prototype for his cutting edge invention. Starting with two stock racing bikes, Steve removed the front tires, utilized a cutting-edge suction-cup mounting device and rolled a Corvette under the front of the bikes. Development continues on control mechanisms. I witnessed the early test of the remote starting system. Steve was able to start the 'Vette while eating a salad on the patio at Seven Bridges in Jacksonville, FL. Steve is convinced adding a handlebar controled throttle will be a snap. The only remaining challenges are how to steer and stop the rig and of course, how to keep his sunglasses from flying off.

Ludicrous? Maybe. Inconceivable? Not Even Close.

What I enjoy most about working with Steve is his embrace of the Art of Digital Leverage. I can picture the twinkle in his eye at the moment he discovered the high-tech bike rack online. Each day I work with successful, closely-held businesses who hesitate at the thought of going digital. With so much invested in their current analog success, the thought of increasing their reach or velocity by developing a digital business plan becomes inconceivable. It's not that business technology has changed, your customer has changed. The combination of social networks and mobile devices has changed the customer experience. If your company has invested in technology, but hasn't seen a return on your investment. Here's some ideas you can use to create a clear view of the challenge:

Take a "Snapshot" of your Business

Create a "Photo Opportunity" by meeting with all your stakeholders, customers, team members, vendors. Take a snapshot of their point of view. Create a collage of their feedback. Take it all in, then publish a gallery with a view toward the future.

Florida Gathering

On Wednesday August 19th I will practice what I preach by gathering my stakeholders for lunch at Ted's Montana Grill. It's an annual event with a small group. We have room if you would like an invitation.