Relying on the Wisdom of Technicians
Relying on the Wisdom of Technicians
Just because your techs solve all your really challenging small problems doesn't mean you should outsource your vision to them...
We trust our most critical decisions to a dedicated core of individuals with poor vision. It's not their fault. We've asked them to work on the smallest, most challenging parts of our world. To dig in, find that infinitesimal problem in the code or circuit and eliminate the problem.

Myopic Minutia

A disturbing trend in digital design and development is the decision to outsource a founders vision to those who can lack the strategic eyesight to take the company where it needs to go. There is no justification for the excuse, "They told me it had to be like that." We have plenty of silly examples like QR codes, re-marketing and dizzying image sliders to remind us that just because we can, doesn't mean we should. It's time for a new job description. Not just for your techs, but for yourself as the CVO, (Chief Visionary Officer). Reach out to, retain and reward your team, you need them. They also need you. Make the really hard decisions each day that affect real people, your customers, your team, your community. The software doesn't care, you must.