Putting Web Interviews in The Best Light
Putting Web Interviews in The Best Light
Poor production quality upstaged the message. The audio was drowned out by background noise, the talent silhouetted by poor lighting. Professionals wind up looking like amateurs whenever the choose to focus on "cool" technology over production standards.
I recently attended a business conference where pre-recorded videos were used to bring experts into the conference. Poor production quality upstaged the message. The audio was drowned out by background noise, the talent silhouetted by poor lighting. Professionals wind up looking like amateurs whenever the choose to focus on "cool" technology over production standards. But don't kill the messenger.The movie magic comes from good production values, not technology. Yes, it's possible to grab an HD camera, point it a a talking head and press the record button, but you need to invest time in pre-production planning, the right production environment and thoughful post production to deliver a professional video. Watch Fast Company Make it Look Easy - 30 Second MBA - SXSW