It’s January, Time to Make All Your Technology Work
It’s January, Time to Make All Your Technology Work
The key to your digital success this year is to guide your customers and prospects along the road from initial discovery to a profitable destination, your bank account. Here's the path...
Part 5 of a 5 part series on how to get started at the start of a new year. Today -  Creating a Path of Engagement. or Part 1 – CRM Today is the day. No more fixing to get ready. Our tools are sharp, our bags are packed and our shoes are laced up tight. It's time to go. Just one more item to grab before we head out the door and begin this journey called 2014. You are going to need a map. The key to your digital success this year is to guide your customers and prospects along the road from initial discovery to a profitable destination, your bank account. Here's the path.

The Path of Engagement

There are three destinations along the path and you must show the way for every prospect.  Social Networking (PR) - This is where the trail begins. Where prospects discover your organization. Don't leave this to chance. If they have never walked your path, you can't expect them to read the trail. Use your social networking to leave clear sign. Use Profiles, discussion groups and communities to demonstrate your expertise, show that you care because you share. Content (Marketing) - Use your blog to help your prospects build a fire. Sit them down around your campfire and use articles, case studies and white papers to tell the story of your organization. eCommerce (Sales) - Whether you sell products or services, put the instructions on how to buy right on the box. So many organizations stumble right when the prospect is ready to commit. Guide them to yes. Two new clients said yes this week. We are lighting their fire today. Your's could be next. Give me a call 727-278-9382. Special Gift You may request.