TechTalk™ A New Day, A New Way
TechTalk™ A New Day, A New Way
Accessible, affordable. After months of discussions with peers, clients and prospects it all came down to those two words. What I'm hearing from all quarters is that business owners and independent professionals are tired of throwing thousands of dollars at so called internet bootcamps. Here is an alternative...
Accessible, affordable. After months of discussions with peers, clients and prospects it all came down to those two words. What I'm hearing from all quarters is that business owners and independent professionals are tired of throwing thousands of dollars at so called internet bootcamps and special insider weekends that promise to reveal, "Information 'they' don't want you to know!" They want specific answers to the technology challenges they are experiencing, without breaking the bank. Not exclusive, accessible, not expensive, affordable. I agree. That's why I've decided to launch a new service to respond to the frustration I heard during my recent research. My decision was reinforced from the response I've receive on LinkedIn. According to those who I work best with, I'm apparently an executive coach. I thought I was just helping independent professionals make their technology work. Now they tell me the most valuable service I provide is technology coaching. The best part is I don't even need to retool the factory. Helping business owners become the master of their digital domain is what I've always done. It just never had a name. Until now...

TechTalk - Focused, Effective, Affordable

TechTalk is a 90 minute session laser focused on the technology challenge you are currently experiencing. By the end of the session, you have everything you need to create an immediate impact on your business. Where appropriate, you will receive the resources I've developed to help clients leverage the power of digital technology. My current clients are finding it to be a great way for us to work together. I think you will too. If you are open to a conversation about having me become your trusted technology adviser,  please give me a call to share your technology concerns.  Direct, 727-278-9382