Personal Branding
Personal Branding
15 Minutes of Infamy
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Everything you say, every personal opinion you share, can be seen and read by everybody on Facebook. You knew that right? Maybe you had temporary amnesia. You can use that defense in a court of law but it won't fly in the court of public opinion.
Sometimes Technology is not the Answer
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Sometimes, "Could we use technology to...?" is the wrong question. When it comes to leveraging the power of technology to create business success a better question starts with, Should we...
Happy Digital New Year! – But only if you start right now.
By Jerry Gitchel | |
Happy New Year, in November? Yes the Internet is fast, but it takes time to craft a successful digital marketing campaign. If you want to hit the ground running on New Years Day you've got to move faster than Father Time. Here's how to beat the holiday rush and still have plenty of holiday cheer.