Sounds of the Season
Sounds of the Season
Yes, I can tell the holidays are definitely here. It's the not the premature holiday music or the drop in temperature. It's the sound of business people everywhere choosing to let their business coast to a stop with the phrase,
"I'm going to wait until the New Year."
In the south we call that "Fixing To..." or "Fixing to Think About..." Of course this is immediately justified by the phrase,
"But I'm going to hit it really hard January 2nd."
The Internet is fast, but not that fast. By the time your New Years resolutions are forgotten your competitors will be celebrating an increase in market share, your market share.

The Mobile-centric Imperative

I'm willing to bet good money you first accessed this post on a mobile device. Early this year it was 27%, this Summer almost 60%, now it's all about mobile, everywhere, all the time. Don't believe it? Take this test.

Taking the Mobile Challenge

Pull out your mobile device, visit your website and answer three simple questions.
  1. Can you get there? Were you able to use mobile browser? If you struggled, consider increasing your email and social marketing. Embedding links and especially large, easy to read buttons eliminates the need to tap in a lengthy URL.
  2. Can you see it? Websites built using Responsive Web Design (RWD) sense the users device and adjust the layout by shrinking images to the width of the viewport while increasing the text size to improve readability. Pay close attention to banners or sliders containing text.
  3. Can you Convert? It's essential visitor can not only read, but act upon your valuable online offer. If they can't click a link, they can't buy.
How did you do? Are you ready for mobile customers? If you are serious about celebrating your business success next year, don't wait until the day after Christmas to give me a call. I'll be out celebrating with all the smart clients who called me today. 727-278-9382