Are you Smarter than a Smartphone? Improving your App Aptitude
Are you Smarter than a Smartphone? Improving your App Aptitude
If you want to connect with qualified prospects, you can't wait for them to come to you. You have to meet them where they are. Increasingly, it's through Mobile Apps. Learn how you can cash in on the trend without breaking the bank.
Chances are, more than half of you are reading this post on a SmartPhone. Not in a web browser, but in a RSS reader like Manifesto, Feeds or Viigo. Which I thought was pretty cool, until I realized you can't read it in the Make Technology Work iPhone App. At least not yet. Medical Alert -  If you're a business owner who get queasy whenever someone mentions a radical technology trend you might want to sit down before you read any further. The Great App Migration of 2010 Sorry to bring you bad news, but your beautiful website and killer blog just went out the window (and  down the street). Get ready for the shift from Web browser to Mobile Apps. I'm not one to tout tech trends, I'm less of a Futuriest and more of a Here-n-Nowist. But if you want to connect with qualified prospects and your loyal customers, it's time to raise your App aptitude. This trend is driven by both the poor quality of mobile web surfing and the tailored efficiency of custom apps. The key take-away for digital marketers is while web browsing resembles an open, Mall-like shopping experience, Mobile Apps present a gated Theme Park business model. Once you step through the gates the food, merchandise and experience is managed for the visitor. With a branded Mobile App, you get to control the environment. Valuable prospects don't wander off because of bright shiny objects. Whether you're a marketer or a customer, the Internet is not going away. The virtual highway is simply shifting from Web Browsing to Mobile Apps.If the idea of creating your own theme park sounds grand, but a bit too ambitious, here are some tips for cashing in on mobile apps without breaking the bank. eCommerce - My professional speaker clients are excited about using a mobile shopping cart to move from BOR (Back of Room) to MOR (Middle of Room) sales. Magento Mobile allows session attendees to buy your materials without leaving their seats. Eliminate delayed payment gratification. Use Intuit GoPayment to accept payment via your Smartphone. Podcasting - Turn your brand into an iPhone App.Librated Syndication can transform your audio or video content into a mobile App theme park. Mobile Apps are just one more marketing tool you can add to your digital toolbox. Contact me to learn how you can make Apps part of your Internet Marketing Strategy. New Series - Stay tuned as I turn Making Technology Work into a iPhone App. "I've read the manual, so you don't have to!" is more than a cute slogan here at Make Technology Work. On Tuesday, Oct, 5, 2010 I'll launch a 4 part series on creating an IPhone App. Part 1 - Where's My Stuff? covers content selection and creation. See you then!