For a New Perspective, Change Your Point of View
For a New Perspective, Change Your Point of View
Author Gayle Lantz suggests we are in control of our perspective when we "Choose to view yourself, your life, work and relationships".
Yesterday I received this months edition of the Workmatters, Inc. from Founder Gayle Lantz, titled, Change Your Perspective. It could not have arrived at a better time. Today will be my final hyperbaric oxygen therapy session at St. Vincents Southside. Each weekday for the last 5 weeks I've traveled across town 5 days a week, climbed out of my wheelchair onto a gurney and been rolled into a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. For 2 hours at 2 atmospheres my patience has been tested. No mobile device, no book to read, not even writing materials. I've watched more TV in the last 5 weeks than in the last 5 years and I've had an abundance of time to reflect each time they locked the door. The view from a wheelchair is different. Not only from a lower angle, but from the reflection in the eyes of those I met. It is indeed a different perspective. Twice drivers stopped in traffic on Atlantic Blvd to help me across the intersection. Doors were opened, offers of assistance came out of nowhere, kindness and support were abundant. I was stunned. Not at all like watching cable news for 5 weeks. The most important take away from Gayle's article is you have control when "you [can] choose to view yourself, your life, work and relationships".  I didn't choose this experience, but I intend to profit from everything I learned these past few weeks. Now that I'm back on both feet I have a fresh perspective as I look out from a higher elevation. I'm looking forward to doing great work with you starting next week. I hope you enjoy Gayle's Newsletter, I promise it won't take 5 weeks to read.