Leverage Technology by Leaps and Bounds
Leverage Technology by Leaps and Bounds
On the surface Richard Hadden is a mild-mannered as Clark Kent, but give him access to a video camera and YouTube.com and suddenly he can book a speaking engagement in a single bound. Learn how Richard turned a 54 second video into cold, hard cash...
Man of Steel is this Summer's blockbuster hit, but my favorite blockbusters are my clients. Take Richard Hadden of Contented Cow Partners. On the surface he is a mild-mannered as Clark Kent, but give him access to a video camera and YouTube.com and suddenly he can book a speaking engagement in a single bound. Richard shared his super human experience with me yesterday. He published a 54 second video, Hearts and Minds Over Strategy and TechnologyFive days later a speakers bureau called about a client who wanted a speaker on the exact same topic. Richard shared the video with his bureau contact, they shared it with the client, Richard booked the gig. That's how you leverage technology!

Preparing for Good Luck

Richard downplayed his accomplishment by chalking it up to luck (Richard is so humble). Personally, I think Richard's success came from his preparation, experience and expertise. He developed an excellent partnership with the bureau, knows his stuff, and if you watch the video, you will see he definitely knows how to deliver a presentation. I've seen some amazing super human accomplishments from my clients this year. Linda Harvey of the Linda Harvey Group conceived, created and launched an online Learning Management System (LMS) in three weeks. Michael Minock of the International Film & Digital Cinema Workshops launched a complete eCommerce web presence in less than a week for his summer workshops at Universal in Orlando.

Creating Digital Leverage

As I reflect on the success of Richard, Linda and Michael, certain recurring elements emerge. If you are launching a new service, brand or web presence, here's a list of tips my clients use to create their success.

Start With a Goal

Whether it's book a gig, launch a learning center or fill up a workshop, my clients focus on the goal, not acquiring cool technology. Too often business people are distracted by cool technology. You have all the technology we need, so start with a clear goal.

Leverage Your Strengths

Richard is a professional speaker, in the truest sense of the word, so video is the perfect channel to showcase his presentation skills. Linda is consummate educator, it's evident in the quality of the courses she creates. Michael's creative vision helps him to bring stunning, evocative images to the web. What's your strength and how will you leverage technology to create the perfect digital experience?

 Some Assembly Required Encouraged!

The feats accomplished by my clients would not be possible without the power of digital connection. Richard connected a camera, YouTube.com and email to deliver. Linda used a WordPress site and Moodle to build a singular brand. Michael used social Networking, WordPress and PayPal to take it all the way to the bank. Use ready-made technology components and a rapid response mindset to leverage the power of technology.

Plan for Your Overnight Success

Twitter's new video sharing site, Vine.co touts "6 second looping videos."  Internet technology is certainly fast, but if you wait until you need that killer video, online learning center or event registration site you will be too late. Business owners need to adopt the guise of a futurist if they hope to stay more than a millisecond ahead of their prospects.

Have Fun

I'm proud of my clients accomplishments. Not only because they use technology, but because they leverage the power of technology to increase their bottom line.


It's no longer enough to use a credit card to acquire the latest cool technology. What will you do today to leverage technology to increase your momentum, revenue and profits? Do you have superpowers? Share your digital accomplishments with me and I'd be happy to share them here.