Just Another Day in Paradise Tour
Just Another Day in Paradise Tour
On May 10th I'm leaving Florida to return home to San Diego. I've shared this goal with so many people for so long I've finally begun to believe it myself. I decided to drive to recreate my original journey East 38 years ago. My friends along the way invited me to stop by, even spend the night if I needed to do so. It wasn't long before the requests turned into opportunities for special events, and then, The Just Another Day in Paradise Tour was born. 5 events are scheduled across the country. If you're anywhere nearby please let me know. If nothing else, I can wave as I go by. My hope is I'll get to meet folks in person that I've only spoke with by phone. Wouldn't that be a hoot. Check out the Events schedule to see when I'll be near your town. If you'd like to follow along subscribe to the tour blog, or connect with me on Twitter or Instagram. May all your days be Just Another Day in Paradise!