The Day I Didn’t meet Zig Ziglar
The Day I Didn’t meet Zig Ziglar
Paralyzed... Michelle had spent years dreaming of this moment, and now she couldn't move the last few steps to realize her dream. Meeting Zig Ziglar in person...
Michelle Meeting ZigParalyzed... Michelle had spent years dreaming of this moment, and now she couldn't move the last few steps to realize her dream. Meeting Zig Ziglar in person had been at the top of her goals list for a very long time. Although I wouldn't meet Zig that day, I had a front row seat to watch Michelle Neujahr realize her lifelong dream of meeting Zig in person. She had just joined the National Speakers Association a week earlier, after deciding to attend the national convention. She was invited to address the Chapter Leadership session and now was within a few feet of realizing her dream. As luck would have it, Janna Krammer pressed me into service as a photographer, and I didn't even have a camera! I ran to the giftshop, bought a single use box camera, grabbed a chair and positioned myself to capture history. Janna Grabbed Michelle by the hand, waded into the crowd surrounding Zig. Janna got the ear of Zig's wife Jean and told her of Michelle's dream.  Jean grabbed Michelle and Zig and finally they were together. I was so happy to be close enough to capture this event as it unfolded. Zig died on November 28, 2012 after a short bout with pneumonia. Although I never got to meet him, he really isn't gone. Not as long as his words and life live in the memories he created in the minds of Michelle and Janna and everyone else who placed him high on their list of goals. Michelle's success is legendary, both as a profession speaker and business owner.


It's the time of year when our thoughts turn to New Year Resolutions. Instead, I'd like you to consider focusing on a simple idea, What Is This About? Author Peter Bregman central question in 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done. I use his methods this year to lose 30 lbs, publish this newsletter every week and rebuild my business after the loss of a loved one.



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