Making Technology Work in Four Easy Steps
Making Technology Work in Four Easy Steps
Four Steps to Making All Your Technology Work15 minutes ago your technology changed. Innovators innovated, investor/gamblers lost their bets, underage geeks in their dorm room or garage just invented the next best thing . That's not a prediction, it's a virtual fact. What's not a fact is that this change is a bad thing, or that the so-called "New Fangled" technology will be expensive, impossible to learn or become obsolete 15 minutes from now. It's easy to become overwhelmed, to feel as if you and your business is getting left behind. The fact is, you can still be cool, even if you don't waste money on the latest cool technology.

 Four Simple Steps

Yes, the steps are simple. No, they are not easy. I met with with a prospect yesterday who stated their goal quite simply. He wanted to duplicate the success of one of my clients. I told him it would take two years. He replied he only had a few weeks. I said goodbye. I have not heard back.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume to technological change, here is how you can become the master of your digital domain.


Not anything or everything, but only the technology that helps you either connect with qualified prospects, or helps you build a better relationship with your existing clients or customers. What do you want to accomplish? Who do you wish to work with? What do they need from you? See, simple.


Most of the current communications technology arrived over the course of a decade. It looks like a patchwork quilt of different designs, colors, terminology. Once you've acquired the proper tools and materials, you need to customize and configure it to create a seamless Brand Identity for your business.


Imagine how your business would function if you banned internal communication. All of your technology needs to be connected if you hope to leverage the power and value of your investment. From the PR of Social Networking to the marketing of your videos and newsletter, to your frequent blog posts to your articles to your shopping cart. You need to connect the dots, not for you, but for your customers.


There is a quaint title in the industry. It was once used to identify those hardy web pioneers who used brute force to will the web into existence. Webmaster. I detest it. There are still business owners out there who believe you can outsource the process, then turn it over to a McTech to run the whole thing. Yes they can run the back end, but if you hope to connect with your tribe, they need to hear your voice. Your customers what to hear from you, not a surrogate.


Yes technology changed 15 minutes ago. It's gotten easier to use, it plays well with other technology and your prospects and customers are already using Social Networking and mobile devices to make their life easier and get more done. Don't you think it's time you did the same? It's time to Make Technology Work!

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