The Great Email Marketing Migration of 2012 – Part 3
The Great Email Marketing Migration of 2012 – Part 3
Fear and doubt, checklists and flopsweat. Yes, it must be launch day. It's like the first day of school all over again. Why do our minds get filled with thoughts of all the things that could go wrong, but rarely that a campaign launch will actually work. I've completed all the research, conducted A/B testing, received thoughtful, supportive feedback from colleagues and clients. I guess I can't put this off any longer!

 The Goal

A few months ago I started searching for a replacement for email marketing software. Never one to leap into new technology, I did my homework and chose MailChimp. They have the best deliverablity, messages are viewable on mobile devices and their RSS2EMail newsletters automate the broadcast function. The goal was to deliver valuable information to mobile subscribers on a consistent basis.

The Plan

I know it sounds crazy, but everything I've learned tells me subscribers are in control. I could have simply imported my existing list into the new system, pretending that nothing had changed, but the campaign would have failed. I would gotten all the technology right and still missed the most important element of email marketing, engagement. Subscribers can't be tricked or bought, they must be engaged. So here's my plan to retain my pre-existing subscriber list:
  • Invitation to Reconnect - Whether launching a new list from a box full of email addresses or starting over from an existing list, a respectful invitation to visit is the only way to go.
  • Create Abundant Value - Ask little, give a lot, provide obvious value while removing obstacles to reconnect.
  • Set Firm Deadlines - Limiting the window of opportunity is not a ploy. It simply sets the expectation for both sides.

The Result

The campaign launches today. I'll share the results here and workbook I developed to create a successful project. Wish me luck!

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