DropBox Magic – Who Moved My Files?
DropBox Magic – Who Moved My Files?
All your files, all the time, wherever you are. Impossible? No it's magic! I have two notebooks, one mobile, one in the office. I used to lug the office one everywhere I go just in case I needed a certain file. Then I got smart. I set up both machines with similar programs, menus and configurations. Then I got really smart. I started using DropBox as my cloud-based file server. Once installed, it looks and acts like a local harddrive. I moved all of my important, frequently used files to DropBox, then created links and shortcuts pointing to the remote location. Now I have access to wherever I am. When I'm ready to "take it on the road" I just pick up my computer "Go Bag" and leave the building. When I return I set it down. simple.


Making incremental improvements in your work environment can reap big rewards. Focus on the small stuff and fix something today.


Dropbox.com - Your Files, Anywhere, In the Cloud.