It's been said that the late Hennie Youngman was the"King of the One-liners". After returning from assignment in New England I think I've found a new contender.
Samuel Clemens is revered for his memorable chronicles about life on the Mississippi. While touring The Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford Connecticut I discovered it was not his books but his mastery of the quick turn of a phrase over a century ago that endeared him to readers around the world.
Carved in the stone and brick walls of the museum are dozens of "Twain-isms" including "Always do right, This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
Suddenly, halfway through the tour it hit me. Mark Twain's enduring popularity was based on his ability to create memorable phrases.
Creating a Memorable Personal Brand
A century before branding and corporate identity became popular buzzwords, Mark Twain created a unique personal brand by the clothes he wore, the words he wrote and the ideals he cherished. Can you or I say the same?
I invite you to review your blog posts, the articles you write, and marketing phrases you craft for quotable phrases. In a vast sea of web information, readers are desparate for even a single pearl of wisdom. If you are looking for some inspiration visit, and
During our visit, Nancy our tourguide showed us the 3rd floor billiard room where Samuel Clemens sat at a desk turned toward the wall. It was the room where he wrote seven of his most memorable books in as many years. I left his home with a keen appreciation for the hard work he invested creating his life work, and with a new favorite quote to hang on my office wall:
"Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom." - Mark Twain
May all your words be memorable,
Jerry Gitchel