Acronym Soup Du jour RWD Responsive Web Design
Acronym Soup Du jour RWD Responsive Web Design
RWD is a web design concept that allows your site to respond to all mobile devices. The challenge for business owners is not in RWD technology, it's in the implementation.
At about 8:15 on any given day, technology changes. Like a menu chalkboard at your favorite restaurant, the Soup De jour changes daily. It ends up on the menu board either because of the ingredients at hand, or the organization is keen on promoting the item. With technology, the motivation is almost always the promotion. It's not a bad thing, but to get the very best soup, you have to know what's being placed in front of you. I've already shared the ingredients of RWD, so let's figure out how to use this technology to promote your business.

Your Users Have Left the Building

RWD is a web design concept that allows your site to respond to all mobile devices. Properly done, the technology displays larger fonts, re-sizes images to fit the screen and rearranges the elements on a page to stack them when shown on a vertical display. All of this is handled automatically. Easy Peasy! The challenge for business owners is not in the technology, it's in the implementation.  Although you can provide a mobile user with a link to download a PDF, but they are meant to be printed. Mobile users don't carry a printer. Dumb use of technology. Yes you need RWD, but more importantly, you need to understand how mobile users, use their mobile devices. Here are some usage tips that go hand in hand with a migration to Responsive Web Design.

Responsive Web Design - Mobile Users...

  • Share their screen, especially photos of kittens and disaster video. Give them visual stimulation, not PDFs.
  • Are Mobile, so stop pretending they are going to read really long blog posts. Give them short, to the point, actionable content. if you can't make it short, break it down into bite-sized chunks for when they change buses.
  • Are growing as a market segment. Get your head around the idea that your prospects and clients access your content while on the go, not while they are in the office. Meet them where they are, not where they used to be.


As always, it's not about the technology, it's about connecting with people. It's the same people, they just left the building, and like Elvis, they are not coming back.


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