Uncategorized? Unthinkable!
Uncategorized? Unthinkable!
When I changed blogging platforms last year I didn't understand the value of mirroring my existing blog categories. I was left with a bunch of uncategorized posts. Orphan posts need to belong, so I opened each one and reassigned them to the appropriate category. Yes it took a while, but the exercise was invaluable. Here's why...
In my recent post, Blog Categories, When Virtual Planets Align I shared tips you could use to increase the value of your blog to your target market. I decided to take my own advice. Applying the steps I recommended to this blog provided additional insight, so I decided I share an update. When I changed blogging platforms last year I didn't understand the value of mirroring my existing blog categories. I was left with a bunch of uncategorized posts. Orphan posts need to belong, so I opened each one and reassigned them to the appropriate category. Yes it took a while, but the exercise was invaluable. Here's why...

When Categories Align

Once the reassignments were complete, I knew exactly how many posts were published, both the total and the subtotals for each category. I now know where I need to invest my published effort. I can now pull together all my published thoughts and ideas for a single area of focus. I've gained a deeper understanding of the value of developing a Content Matrix for your web presence. Like a catagory in need of a few more posts, I know exactly which articles, white papers and product offers I need to create.

Blog Category Tips - Part 2

Use the resource link below to see part 1. Once you've completed the 5 steps, return here and finish up.
  • Edit each category to include a slug (category URL) a description and a descriptive title.
  • Compare the categories for quantity of posts and make a list of ones that are light.


Organizing your blog categories focuses your efforts and saves a bunch of time and eliminates the Random Post Syndrome.
